Social Corporate Entrepreneurship involves different principles and ambitions.
The World British Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) considers that sustainable development is „necessary to integrate social and environmental issues in parallel with a number of economic considerations, to ensure a long-term vision” (Garriga, Mele, 2004). Sustainable development includes human rights, transparency, and dialogue between stakeholders, other interests, and social rights (Mitra, C., & Borza, A. 2010). How design thinking principles can be applied to the CSE of your Enterprise?
Firstly, we need to understand where we are and where we want to go, and, for doing so, the first step will be to name which are the challenges and needs your project has. The first step in every project is to define the framework, although, to do so deep research beforehand should be carried out to understand the needs of the community or final users. The term Community comes from Latin – communitas– and describes a group of people who shares similar features whether by origin, ethnicity, neighborhood, values, language, etc. Based on the definition above, the magnitude of the community could be immense. The difficulty radices in how to successfully reach a community by our actions.