Topic 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
This unit presents the ideas, theories and examples of entrepreneurship. The learning unit is introductory as it focus on explaining key concepts and providing examples, such as entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, social entrepreneurship and corporate social entrepreneurship. The unit also focuses on the context for entrepreneurship to happen and flourish, including key aspects such as innovation, corporate identity, purpose, perception, rules, routines and the use of the external environment. Specific unit content: Concepts of entrepreneurship Examples of entrepreneurship The entrepreneur and the components of the entrepreneurial mindset
Topic 2: Introduction to Corporate Social Entrepreneurship
This learning unit introduces the concept of Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (CSE), related theories and ideas. The unit also presents key aspects for individuals implementing CSE to consider and succeed, e.g. corporate identity, need for change, the importance of purpose and perception, rules and routines, networks and stakeholders, use of local circumstances. Based on a real-world approach, the key CSE dimensions and relevant case studies are depicted, which will provide students with the tools to implement CSE.
Topic 3: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This learning unit introduces potential entrepreneurs and learners on the subject to the world of business innovation. In a demystifying approach, the technological and non-technological aspects of innovation are explained, as well as the different levels by which business innovation can occur. This unit presents different ways by which individuals can be responsive in their own environment by exploring opportunities, adapting and creating innovative solutions for changing environments. Specific unit content: Business innovation concept The four different types of business innovation The three different levels of business innovation Incremental vs. Radical innovation
Topic 4: Introduction to strategic planning
This learning unit aims at presenting down-to-earth methods for entrepreneurs to assess their resources and identify the best solutions to explore opportunities, adapt to them and create innovative solutions for their organisations. The unit explores tools that allow ideas to be developed and converted into value for the organisation and its employees. This unit invites the student to visit different perspectives by which strategy can be formulated and implemented. Specific unit content: Explaining strategy and strategic planning Key elements of strategic planning Generic strategies model Strategic stages
Topic 5: Introduction to social innovation
This learning unit introduces and discusses key concepts to understand social innovation. This learning unit also explores (i) how sustainability can be considered in business operation and culminate with social innovation; and (ii) the connection between social challenges and business innovation. Specific unit content: The issues for sustainability Social innovation concepts Business models for sustainability
Introduction to Corporate Social Entrepreneurship

In this lesson we present the two easy-to-follow tools for implementing CSE in organisations.

1) Tool 1: CSE canvas (available in the EMBRACE website – link)

Instructions for tool 1:

  1. Start populating the template by answering the questions on the CSE canvas
  2. Add more ideas as needed
  3. TIP: starting with a brainstorm can be very useful
2) Tool 2: the EMBRACE CSE self-assessment for organisations

The ‘EMBRACE CSE self-assessment for organisations’ presents a set of 27 CSE practices/initiatives by which the organisation marks the ones it is involved with or have already been involved. The EMBRACE self-assessment scale is then used in order to identify the CSE stage of the organisation at the moment it takes the self-assessment. The document is not presented here due to the size but can be accessed at the EMBRACE website (link).

Instructions for tool 2:

  1. In the CSEEMBRACE check-list, check each practice/initiative that the organization performs and write them down on the ‘Evidence’ space.
  2. Based on the number of practices/initiatives checked, identify the CSE stage the organization is located
  3. The organisation can review and implement the practices/initiatives that were not checked in order to progress with the CSE stage.

The self-assessment of organisations will enable a CSE Task Force to understand their organisation’s position in relation to CSE stages. The lower the score the closer the company is to social responsibility; on the other hand, the closer the score is to 10, the closer the company is to achieve a full and advanced CSE process.


Austin, J., & Reficco, E. (2009). Corporate Social Entrepreneurship. (Working paper 09- 101). Boston: Harvard Business School.Available online at

Elkington, J. (2008). Tripple Bottom Line. In W. Visser and D. Matten (Eds.). The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility (465-466). Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Hemingway, C. A. (2013). Corporate social entrepreneurship: Integrity within. Cambridge University Press.

Iansen-Rogers, J. & Molenkamp, G. (2008). Non-financial report. In W. Visser and D. Matten (Eds.). The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility (337-339). Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

EMBRACE (2021a). Handbook for Corporate Social Entrepreneurs. Available at

EMBRACE (2021b). The journey from CSR to CSR. Available at

EMBRACE (2022). Corporate Social Entrepreneurship. Available at

Porter, M.E., & Kramer, M.R.  (2011). Creating Shared Value. Harvard Business Review, 1-17.

Schwab, K., (2008). Global corporate citizenship: working with governments and society, Foreign Affairs, 87(1), 107-118.

Tasavori, M. (2012). „Corporate Social Entrepreneurship at the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid:Antecedents and Outcomes in India”, Doctoral thesis, The University of Manchester, UK.

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